Shoes to Sleep In

Love Story 9/1/23

Feet… the beautiful gift and importance of our feet. God sure knew what He was doing when He created us with such intricate detail and precision. The ability to walk, run, play and go practically anywhere we want is amazing!
Many roads that we take are often bumpy and rocky (literally) and we need good shoes to help us get down the path. Recently, we had the opportunity of blessing a young boy with a pair of new shoes from our Children’s Loft, hosted by the Vineyard Boise Christian Fellowship. He picked them out himself. His excitement that day was a clear message that he had rarely gotten new shoes.
A few days later, his mother called and said that her precious son loved his shoes so much that he had refused to take them off when he went to bed that night. In fact, he insisted on wearing them not for one night, but for three solid nights in a row!
We absolutely LOVE hearing stories of how, with your help, we are of making a difference in people's lives. No matter how big, no matter how small…it is ALWAYS rewarding to impact someone’s life for good! May God continue to grow us all on this journey of seeing opportunities where we can help make a difference and love those around us. His blessings to you all!